Wednesday, November 11, 2020

My Beautiful Little Demon Child

by Dj Gilcrease 10/26/2020

My child, beauty so bright,
you make Aphrodite flee from sight.

My child, courage so tremendous,
you make Athena look powerless.

My child, kindness so inexhaustible,
you make god seem calculable.

My child, creativity so boundless,
you make Leonardo Da Vinci feel meaningless.

My child, integrity so true,
you make Mahatma Gandhi bow to you.

My child, with all of these qualities,
you can be nothing but a demon sent to
fill my life with love.

The King Fisher

by Dj Gilcrease 10/27/2020

The King Fisher, so graceful and strong
swooping, guarding, diving, protecting.

The King Fisher, so wonderous and rare
a delight to see and hear.

The King Fisher, so inspiring and caring
taking on challenges great and small.

The King Fisher, a better son I could not imagine.